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orderbook base rel

The v2 orderbook method requests from the network the currently available orders for the specified trading pair.

basestringBase currency of a pair
relstringRelated currency, also known as the "quote currency"

basestringThe name of the coin the user desires to receive
relstringThe name of the coin the user will trade
numasksintegerThe number of outstanding asks
numbidsintegerThe number of outstanding bids
netidintegerThe id of the network on which the request is made (default is 8762)
asksarray of objectsAn array of standard OrderDataV2 objects containing outstanding asks
bidsarray of objectsAn array of standard OrderDataV2 objects containing outstanding bids
timestampintegerA UNIX timestamp representing when the orderbook was requested
total_asks_base_volobjectA standard NumericFormatsValue object.
total_asks_rel_volobjectA standard NumericFormatsValue object.
total_bids_base_volobjectA standard NumericFormatsValue object.
total_bids_rel_volobjectA standard NumericFormatsValue object.


curl --url "" --data '{
  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "orderbook",
  "params": {
    "base": "DGB",
    "rel": "DASH"
  "id": 42